New Website Launch

After eight years, the Courtyards website has been renewed. The updated design and content better reflects the condo’s special qualities. The home page says it all: there’s no place like home. 

The website’s purpose has also been updated. Now it’s all about communication, community, and continuity. Everyone can subscribe to a monthly newsletter. That means if you’re an owner, or a resident that rents a unit from an owner, you’ll all be included in the communication through the  Courtyards of Three Fountains website.

As an owner, you’ll still have a password protected page that contains business documents and information about your Board, financial statements and more. If you registered for a password for the old website, you should have received an email with the new password. If youdid not receive the email or have not registered in the past, fill in the form on this page, and you'll be sent the password.

There is a new feature called Events that informs everyone about daily, weekly, and monthly happenings in a calendar format. You can easily see if the water will be shut off, or whether other maintenance might affect you. If you follow @C3Fcondo on Twitter, you’ll get these Events sent to your Twitter feed.